Poisoned Punch Bowl

a diary of thought.



Diaryland Info

8:33 p.m.

picking up the disconnections

sewing together their ragged edges

with emotions

and the thought that summers in New York are drastically different than those spent in California. Heat can weigh you down here-pull you right down into the sidewalk like all of that chewing gum that is permanently baked in like perpetual purgatory for discarded saliva.

when we walk, we fight to lift our legs up to the right level. the level just beyond dragging. when we talk, we fight to lift our voices up to the level just above whining.

heat can lift you up or bring you down depending on the way the wind is blowing and the colors of the clothing on passersby. it seems to me like that state just between being awake and falling asleep where there is a half of a second of confusion about whether or not you are existing at all.
