Poisoned Punch Bowl

a diary of thought.



Diaryland Info

9:43 p.m.

Juice fast, 3 days. We'll see how that goes. I am alternating between hunger, my Champion juicer and a Sophie Tucker biography that has sucked me in so hard I can't put it down.

Banks, questions, history, friends, life, eras, digestive systems and late night brainstorms.

Lovers, treadmills, punching bags, organic fruit, absence of hummingbirds and thoughts of San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, a walk down Valencia street, a few lungfulls of Caifornia air.

New York City has me down over the past few days. I've got to fight it off or it will sink me down real low. Maybe it's the heat, the humidity or the smells that rise up from the sewers. Maybe it's the lack of genuine smiles or ecological concern.

This city and I have a love hate relationship but right now we are not speaking.
