Poisoned Punch Bowl

a diary of thought.



Diaryland Info

4:25 a.m.

My favorite sushi place has large picture windows that look out onto University Place. They make New York City my goldfish bowl for the time that I am there, and it is there that I am able to study people from a detached, sushi-eating perspective. You can't beat the view from picture windows on a crowded NYC street. It gives you the feeling that you are standing perfectly still in the middle of Times Square (something I have always wanted to do).

I have noticed that there are 3 dominant facial expressions that I see in the crowd.

#1 is a look of sheer annoyance. Pissed off. It's that look that Sandra Bernhard usually has. Eyes slightly squinted, mouth twisted into a scowl. You can't help but guess that the person�s next words will be "What the fuck!" 50% of the people I see wear this expression. I have often caught my reflection in a shop window wearing that face as well. I don't know what that says about New York but it can't be good. This look is usually found on the �New Yorker�.

#2 is a look of complete and utter bewilderment mixed with a tinge of euphoria. This expression is usually seen on the faces of tourists. It�s the kind of facial expression that you would probably make if you woke up one morning to find a large, furry pastel colored giraffe n your bedroom. You would find it shocking but interesting. The people wearing this expression are usually walking slower than the rest of the people on the street. Sometimes they will stop and look up in the air with a dumbfounded look, mouth agape with arms and legs akimbo. I see this look on 40% of people. This look is usually found on people wearing shirts with a busy print.

#3 is a look of self-satisfaction that could border on sinister depending on how paranoid you are. This expression involves smiling to oneself while walking down the street, and usually tends to appear on the better dressed of the crowd. The smile in question is usually very slight and only counts if the people are walking by themselves. These are people who are just having a happy day or maybe they know something I don�t know. I see this expression on 10% of people. This group of people sometimes provokes a look of �What the hell are you smiling about?� from the people on the #1 group of expressions.
