Poisoned Punch Bowl

a diary of thought.



Diaryland Info

7:17 p.m.

I am going to record a voice-over tomorrow for the opening of a program about spoken word artists in NYC. Should be interesting and I'm flattered that my piece was chosen to open up the program. On a related note, I hope to score that internship at Nerve.com

Today a guy was staring at me on the street again and I went apeshit on him. He was shocked. It's funny, because I think peoples first impression of me is that I am a sweet, naive, glamour-puss. That's what that guy thought I guess. So when I spun around and said "Did I ASK you if I was beautiful!?" "Don't just yell shit out at women on the street!" he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Last week Popsicle lost it on a guy who said something similar. She was like, "Don't talk to other people's girls like that!" and on and on. Scared him shitless. People don't usually bother me as much when Popsicle is with me. I think people are on crack. I don't think I am the shit at all.

I still have writers block. Every time it happens I am convinced I will never write again.

Well, that's about it.
