Poisoned Punch Bowl

a diary of thought.



Diaryland Info

3:09 a.m.

Every once in awhile a thought will cross my mind by surprise. In a moment when I am doing something as simple as walking down three steps or studying a peach for perfect skin at the markets, a feeling of a thought will flash across my inner movie. Today it crept upon me fast like a punch and nearly bowled me over with intensity. The thought was an invader, made my heart skip a beat. A thought that went �Boo!� and then laughed at my facial expression. They are always intense, these thoughts. Eternal truths or ideas that arise from some subconscious storage bank of knowledge somewhere in a lobe I rarely use. Somewhere in the right brain I am sure. Ideas and speculations that are supposed to stay hidden but leak out every now and again.

I was walking into the house and thinking about nothing in particular or profound when the thought arose that the moment I was in was a moment that was a part of millions of tiny moments that I would partake in between here and death. That here and death are closer than we imagine. That the webs we weave are these tiny moments, each series lasting for an amount of time before they are unraveled. It is difficult to put to words because it was all a feeling of a thought rather than a concrete thought of it�s own accord. As somber as it sounds, it was not a feeling that provoked dread or fear or sadness but one of unbelievable optimism. A realization that life is a blank canvas that can be used in any way that we deem, and how sad is the life that worries or conforms to a standard that does not follow the direction of their heart.

Such a simple message, really.
